Mental Capacity Act 2005 - resources

The Mental Capacity Act empowers and protects people who are not able to make their own decisions. This covers decisions about property and financial affairs, health, welfare and where they live.  It sets out who can make decisions, when and how. It applies to anyone aged 16 or over and sets out a framework for assessing whether a person lacks the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. This might be because of brain injury; a stroke; dementia; mental health problems; alcohol or drug misuse; side effects of medical treatment; or other illness or disability.

This page includes useful resources and guidance for all those who care for and/or make decisions on behalf of adults who lack capacity.

Mental Capacity Act 2005 information for the Public

Mental Capacity Act (MCA) resources

Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) - Mental Capacity Act (MCA) resources

The SCIE MCA Directory helps to raise awareness about the Mental Capacity Act (MCA), including the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). You will find useful information and tools to help understand or implement it. There is material here for people who may be subject to the Act's provisions, and for professionals from a range of backgrounds:

Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Directory

Video's from SCIE

Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Week of Action (5-Minute Briefings and videos)

The Mental Capacity Act contains five key principles, which must be applied at any time when the Act is being used for individuals who lack capacity. Below are links to CSAB 5-Minute Briefings recently published, along with video's of MCA week of action lunch and learn sessions.

Principle 1 - Presumption of capacity

Principle 2 - Individuals are supported to make decisions

Principle 3 - Unwise decisions

Principle 4 - Best interests

Principle 5 - Least restrictive option

Lunch and Learn Sessions (YouTube video's)